where data becomes science ™
ad hoc & nimble
[ a consultancy Learning: {Machine, Deep: {Supervised.classification.probabilistic: {naive Bayes, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron}, Unsupervised.clustering: {hierarchical, centroid, distribution, density} Reinforcement: {GAN, AC, A3C, DDQN} } }
Neural Nets: {Convolutional, Recursive: {Recurrent: {LSTM}}, Deep Q, Encoder-Decoder}
Languages: {Python: {2.7.13, 3.6.2, i^}, Tauthon, Julia, JS: {ES: {5, 6, 2016}, ECMA-262 8th}, Haskell R } ]troubled by the curse of dimentionality or combinatorial explosion ? Data Science for the Busy Professional™ Machine Learning for the Busy Professional™
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